Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a special message congratulating the Afghanistan Cricket team for their Test debut, as the team gears up to face India in their debut Test starting Thursday. Modi wrote on Twitter, "I congratulate the people of Afghanistan as their cricket team plays their first international test match. Glad that they have chosen to play the historic match with India. Best wishes to both teams! May sports continue to bring our people closer and strengthen ties."
I congratulate the people of Afghanistan as their cricket team plays their first international test match. Glad that they have chosen to play the historic match with India. Best wishes to both teams! May sports continue to bring our people closer and strengthen ties.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 14, 2018
Special message from @PMOIndia on the occasion of the historic debut of #Afghanistan @ACBofficials in the test arena against @BCCI tomorrow at #Bengaluru. #INDvsAFG @BCCISportsTv #Cricket pic.twitter.com/w7Mr37W83y
— India in Afghanistan (@IndianEmbKabul) June 13, 2018
Minister of State, Sports and Youth Affairs Mr. @Ra_THORe along with Mr. Abdullah Abdullah (Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan), greet the two teams ahead of the start of play in Bengaluru.#INDvAFG pic.twitter.com/HtXNTqmXnn
— BCCI (@BCCI) June 14, 2018
Minister of Sports Rajyavardan Rathore was present on the ground and he read out the message sent by the Prime Minister before the game began.
The Afghanistan Cricket Board chief, Atif Mashal, also read out a statement from Afghanistan's president Ashraf Ghani.
Led by Asghar Stanikzai, Afghanistan become the 12th test playing nation in less than two decades after being recognised by International Cricket Council (ICC) in 2001.
"It's a very proud moment," Stanikzai said at the toss. "All the guys have some first-class experience, but our first test, obviously.
"Maybe the first one hour it will be a good wicket for bowling."
First Published: June 14, 2018, 9:42 AM IST
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