Bollywood’s ‘desi girl’, Priyanka Chopra, shared a heartwarming message on her Instagram, calling her mother ‘my strength my weakness all rolled into one’.
The message came from the Quantico actor on her mother Madhu Akhouri Chopra’s birthday.
The 35-year-old actor wrote, “Happy Birthday beautiful lady.. my strength my weakness all rolled into one. I wish you the best year ever.. with everything you wished for. Can’t wait to celebrate with u Ma..”.
Along with the message, Priyanka shared an adorable picture with her mother.
Career-wise, Priyanka is currently stationed in the US to complete her assignments in the West. She will soon be returning to India to shoot for her next venture with Salman Khan Bhaarat.
The film will mark Priyanka’s official return to Bollywood after 2016’s Jai Gangajal.
(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)
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