New Delhi: Bollywood actress Disha Patani's Baaghi 2 sent the cash registers ringing as soon as it released. The movie stars Disha opposite Tiger Shroff, her rumoured beau. Perhaps it is Tiger and Disha's on-screen chemistry that drove people in theatres to watch the film. The actress has been ruling hearts ever since she made her Bollywood debut in 'MS Dhoni: The Untold Story'. The film hit the screens in 2016 and Disha became an instant favourite of many. Disha is quite popular on social media and has a huge fan-following.
The gorgeous actress took to Instagram to share some pictures in a black-coloured swimwear.
The 25-year-old actress looks alluring in the pics and has also received a lot of positive comments from her fans.
Check out this Instagram post by Disha:
The actress also posted a picture on her Instagram stories:
Disha has been roped in for Ali Abbas Zafar directorial, 'Bharat'. The movie will have superstar Salman Khan in the lead role. Actor-comedian Sunil Grover will play a key role in the film.
'Bharat' is an official adaptation of 2014 South Korean film 'Ode to My Father'. It is produced by Atul Agnihotri's Reel Life Production Pvt Ltd and Bhushan Kumar's T-Series. It is slated for an Eid release in 2019.
'Bharat' will be set in the backdrop of India in 1947 and will take us through the events during the country’s partition. Not just that, the film will showcase significant events over a period of 70 years since partition.
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