Looks like actor Sonam Kapoor and sister Rhea Kapoor’s fun times in London are far from over. The producer daughter of Anil Kapoor posted a photo on her Instagram story in which she can be seen with her sister Sonam and friend Tamara Ralph. They huddle together for a picture, which Rhea captioned ‘Such a fun night @Sonamkapoor @tamararalph thanks for the hook up @anandahuja’.
Rhea Kapoor with her sister Sonam are currently in London.
A plush London holiday in June, what more could one ask for?
On work front, the formidable sister duo have conquered the box office with their new movie. Aided by the likes of Kareena Kapoor Khan, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania, Veere Di Wedding has been creating magic at the box office since the day of its release.
Documenting the lives of four urban Indian women and their trials and tribulations, the film was promoted by the gang as ‘Not A Click Flick’. Clearly, the film and it’s theme have touched the hearts and minds of many. The film’s current numbers (Rs 77.83 cr. India biz) as on Sunday provided by film trade analyst Taran Adarsh, look impressive.
#VeereDiWedding takes a dip, with #Race3 dominating the market share... [Week 3] Fri 70 lakhs. Total: ₹ 77.83 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 16, 2018
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