Indian captain Virat Kohli took to Twitter on Saturday to share a video of his actor wife Anushka Sharma confronting a man for littering on the road. In the video Sharma is seen rolling down the windows of the car the couple are travelling in and angrily calling him out. “Why are you throwing plastic on the road?,” she is heard asking. "Please be careful, you can’t throw plastic like this on the road.”Kohli captured the whole incident and wrote on Twitter, “Saw these people throwing garbage on the road and pulled them up rightfully. Travelling in a luxury car and brains gone for a toss. These people will keep our country clean? Yeah right! If you see something wrong happening like this, do the same and spread awareness. @AnushkaSharma.”
Saw these people throwing garbage on the road & pulled them up rightfully. Travelling in a luxury car and brains gone for a toss. These people will keep our country clean? Yeah right! If you see something wrong happening like this, do the same & spread awareness. @AnushkaSharma pic.twitter.com/p8flrmcnba
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) June 16, 2018
Though the duo have received praise for their intervention, there was some feedback describing it as a joke. To this Kohli reacted sharply and tweeted, “Lot of people who don't have the courage to do something like this find it funny. Everything for people nowadays is meme content. Shame.”
Lot of people who don't have the courage to do something like this find it funny. Everything for people nowadays is meme content. Shame.
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) June 16, 2018
Kohli is set to take part in the two-match T20 Internationals in Ireland after comfortably clearing the Yo-Yo test. He had to miss the one-off Test and County stint in England owing to a neck injury.
First Published: June 17, 2018, 10:28 AM IST
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