Financial information of Indians at risk due to foreign-owned companies?


MUMBAI: After social media data, is financial information of crores of Indians at a risk of being compromised?

Top executives in the financial sector have raised concerns over the speed at which foreign companies are gaining a foothold in the payment and loans segment in India through non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). Easier ownership rules for NBFCs relative to banks have enabled foreign companies to take over Indian financial and fintech companies.

Industry persons fear that the unhindered ownership in NBFCs could lead to easier access to financial data of all Indians by these companies. These concerns come around the time social media giant Facebook disclosed it has been sharing customer data with at least four Chinese telecom players without their knowledge.

According to Indiabulls Housing Finance VC & MD Gagan Banga, 100% ownership of NBFCs is an ominous trend not only from the perspective of protecting data privacy and preserving national security, but also from the standpoint of maintaining the sovereign character of the country’s financial sector in general and NBFCs in particular. A senior banker said, “Just like in banks, mutual funds and insurance companies, the government should have a ‘fit & proper’ criteria for all NBFCs as well.”

Foreign ownership of fin cos raises concern

Former RBI deputy governor S S Mundra said, “In the last few years, NBFCs have expanded their market share strongly, including making some inroads into the bank business. Also, there is significant interconnectedness between banks and NBFCs. So, the time probably is now ripe to have a review of NBFC structures and regulations.”

The RBI is working towards harmonisation of NBFC regulations with banks. However, those are primarily focused on asset quality, income recognition and capital adequacy. “There are three other areas needing review, which are the ownership structure, pricing and IT/data security,” Mundra said.

The former central banker feels that there should be a cap on single-entity shareholding in NBFCs similar to banks, with norms supporting Indian management and control. “Measures in banking on risk-based pricing and transparent deals to consumers are the areas that need to be extended to NBFCs as well. Similarly, with the expanding client base of NBFCs, there is an equal need to put up a strong framework of data security in this sector,” Mundra said. Incidentally, the warnings come just around the time a committee under a retired Supreme Court judge, justice B N Krishna, is set to present a draft of a data security law to the Centre.

According to G Gopalakrishna, former director at the Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL), a body set up by the RBI, the government had allowed 100% FDI in select NBFCs when the central bank could not allow too many foreign banks to open branches in India due to various reasons, including reciprocity, WTO requirement, etc. Gopalakrishna said, “In light of the current fintech disruption, speeding up harmonisation of ownership of NBFCs on a par with banks has become necessary.”

Several countries restrict an individual or a company from holding more than 10-15% in a licensed financial institution, including NBFCs and other regulated financial companies. Gopalakrishna, also a former ED with RBI, said, “While compliance with shareholding pattern of banks is being maintained strictly, 100% foreign ownership in select NBFCs is causing concern to the sector as many deep-pocketed foreign companies are acquiring ownership of NBFCs or setting up fintechs overnight. FDI in these sectors have to be restricted otherwise the entire market share in retail credit and payment system will be taken over by foreigners. In turn, this will pose a threat to data security as they store data abroad and in any eventuality we may not be able to access that.”

Gopalakrishna, however, said that the government and the RBI may be happy to allow FDI in fintech and NBFCs since “foreign investors are investing risk capital and they have the capacity to absorb losses in case the business or strategy fails, whereas very few Indian promoters have risk appetite”.


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