Apple India has partnered with Citibank to offer cashback on its products in the iPad, Apple Watch, Apple Pencil, and MacBook range. The partnership will entail a cashback of up to Rs. 10,000 and will run from June 11 to July 31. The offer will be applicable on all Citibank credit cards issued in India, except Citi Corporate cards. Cashback will be valid for only one EMI/ non-EMI transaction of one product per card, and will be credited to the account on or before 90 days since the transaction.
As per the offer, a cashback of Rs. 10,000 will be applicable on all variants of MacBook, Rs. 5,000 on all variants of iPad, and Rs. 5,000 cashback on all models of Apple Watch that the Cupertino giant officially sells in the country. A Rs. 1,000 cashback is valid on purchase of Apple Pencil using Citibank credit cards.
Let's talk a bit about the effective starting prices of all these products. This Citibank offer brings down the effective price of the entry-level MacBook Air to Rs. 67,200, while the entry-level 5th generation iPad can be bought at Rs. 23,000, effectively. As for the Apple Watch Series 1, the citibank brings down the effective starting price to Rs. 18,950, and of the Apple Pencil to about Rs. 6,600 after cashback is credited.
The offer is only valid at offline Apple retailers in the country, the entire list of which is available here. The transaction needs to be carried out via Plutus/ Pine Labs POS terminals only. It cannot be clubbed with any other Citibank offer.
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